Friday, May 15, 2009

All time LOW

Tonight we reached a real low point of Friday nights at the Bireley house. I was exhausted. Will had just gotten off a 30 hours shift at the hospital. We had two Netflix waiting to be watched. Well, Will didn't want to watch Bride Wars. He said it was a super-girly chick flick. And I didn't want to watch 7 lbs. after reading on the label that it was about a guy that was plotting his own suicide after his wife unable to come to any agreement on what to watch.... we sadly ended up watching America's Funniest Home Videos. We are THAT lame. Please don't judge us.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

National Lampoons' Tucson Vacation

These are some pics from February when Lindsay and kids came down for a visit. They were supposed to stay for a week. This is what ACTUALLY happened.

Day one: 12 hours of driving (from Utah to Tucson)
Day two: Trip to the zoo, dinner, swimming.
Day three: all the kids come down with some sort of plague that involved massive vomiting, diarrhea and a midnight trip to the ER for baby India
Day four: 12 hour drive BACK to Utah with sick kids.

Here are some ZOO pics.