It seems like the only cool thing about pregnancy is finding out the sex of the baby. That being said, we are proud to announce that we are having a little girl. I'm so excited for Tristan and Jack to have a little sister and I'm so excited to have a little friend. I was starting to feel outnumbered. I've promised Will that I wouldn't go insane with online shopping. I've only ordered one thing so far. (But then it's only been 3 days....Ha) Hopefully the next 19 weeks will go by quickly...yeah right.
congratulations Adrienne we are so excited for you. We miss having you guys right next door!
Congrats that is soo exciting!!
Wow, it's so great to hear from you! You're in Denver? With #3 on the way? Congrats! (And GOOD LUCK!) Keep in touch, okay?
I can only imagine what an awesome girl you will create!
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