Thursday, January 11, 2007

Pride and Prejudice

About every eight weeks I get a hankering to watch Pride and Prejudice. So I'll pull out the newer, shorter DVD and watch it. This inevitably creates a Pride and Prejudice FRENZY. So after watching the short version, I'll watch the long 6-hour version. Then sometimes I even read the book. Then after I read the book I'll watch all of my Jane Austen movies, and the whole while with my husband saying, "Didn't you JUST watch these last month?"

He doesn't understand.

P.S. I finally decided that my ideal version of P&P would be the long version but with the Mr. Bingley and Jane Bennett from the short version. I'm right about this.


Chelsey said...

Hey, Adrienne. I found your blog through Stephanie's. I'm a HUGE P&P fan, too! I love it! It's my comfort movie...I pretty much had it playing on repeat for most of my pregnancy. Jed has half of it memorized just from that.

I definitely agree with you on Jane from the short movie being ideal.


JoJo said...

Yeah- I don't know you but I clicked on your blog because I was on Stephanie's blog and my sister's name is Adrienne and her hubby's name is Will. WIERD! Also I feel exactly the same way as you do about short and long P&P... Anyway nice to "meet" you.

Jo Bird